一、人不对称二甲基精氨酸(ADMA)ELISA KIT详细介绍
英文名称:Human asymmetrical dimethylarginine,ADMA ELISA Kit
二、人不对称二甲基精氨酸(ADMA)ELISA KIT样本处理及要求
1. 血清:室温血液自然凝固10-20分钟,离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清,保存过程中如出现沉淀,应再次离心。
2. 血浆:应根据标本的要求选择EDTA或柠檬酸钠作为抗凝剂,混合10-20分钟后,离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清,保存过程中如有沉淀形成,应该再次离心。
3. 尿液:用无菌管收集,离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清,保存过程中如有沉淀形成,应再次离心。胸腹水、脑脊液参照实行。
4. 细胞培养上清:检测分泌性的成份时,用无菌管收集。离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清。检测细胞内的成份时,用PBS(PH7.2-7.4)稀释细胞悬液,细胞浓度达到100万/ml左右。通过反复冻融,以使细胞破坏并放出细胞内成份。离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清。保存过程中如有沉淀形成,应再次离心。
5. 组织标本:切割标本后,称取重量。加入一定量的PBS,PH7.4。用液氮迅速冷冻保存备用。标本融化后仍然保持2-8℃的温度。加入一定量的PBS(PH7.4),用手工或匀浆器将标本匀浆充分。离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清。分装后一份待检测,其余冷冻备用。
6. 标本采集后尽早进行提取,提取按相关文献进行,提取后应尽快进行实验。若不能马上进行试验,可将标本放于-20℃保存,但应避免反复冻融.
7. 不能检测含NaN3的样品,因NaN3抑制辣根过氧化物酶的(HRP)活性。
三、人不对称二甲基精氨酸(ADMA)ELISA KIT操作步骤
四、人不对称二甲基精氨酸(ADMA)ELISA KIT检测常见问题及解决方法
出现问题 | 问题的原因 | 解决办法 |
加入反应终止液后, 没有吸光值或吸光值偏低 | 未加入酶标记物 | 请按照操作步骤进行 |
试剂盒内容物未能充分回 | 确定试剂盒内容物回温 后再进行操作 |
室温太低 | 若室温太低(<19℃), 适当延长温育时间 |
未使用试剂盒的清洗液清洗 | 请用试剂盒内所提供 的清洗液清洗 |
试剂盒已过有效期限 | 请更换成仍在有效期 限内的试剂盒 |
标准曲线线性不佳, 或是平行性不好 | 温育位置避光不好 或受到气流干扰 | 请确认温育位置既不透光 也不透风(如抽屉内) |
操作时间拖太久 | 请在方法熟练后再进行操作 |
微孔间相互污染 | 加样品时,请小心勿溅出微孔外,以免造成其它微孔的污染 |
标准品或酶标记物 所加入的量不一致 | 请使用已校正过的移液枪, 并确保其与吸头之间 有高度密合性 |
添加样品或试剂的 操作方法不正确 | 加样品或试剂时, 吸头请勿接触微孔 |
洗板过程发生问题(如管路 堵塞、洗完板后未立刻 进行下一步骤) | 请随时监控洗板机洗板过程,洗完后立即进行下一步骤 |
吸光值均偏高 (或线性不够陡) | 底物溶液受到污染 | 若发现底物溶液已呈现淡蓝色,请不要再使用 |
反应时间超过太久 | 请控制反应时间 |
酶标记物污染了盒内 其它试剂 | 使用过的吸头应立即丢弃,可避免试剂间相互污染,凡是试剂(特别是酶标记物与底物溶液)接触过的容器应立即清洗干净。(先以漂白水浸泡,再以清水冲洗干净,可确保无残留) |
阴性标准品的吸光值低于阳性标准品的吸光值 | 微孔中的试剂未能充分混合 | 试剂加完后,需轻敲盘四周使其充分混合均匀 |
洗板过程发生问题 | 请随时监控洗板机洗板过程,洗完后立即进行下一步骤 |
添加样品或酶标记物的量不一致 | 请使用已校正过的移液枪,并确保其与吸头之间有高度密合性 |
五、人不对称二甲基精氨酸(ADMA)ELISA KIT特别声明
南京森贝伽长期专业供应各类科研产品,包括ELISA试剂盒、生物试剂、标准品对照品、培养基、抗体、染色液染色试剂盒等优质产品。森贝伽本着客户至上的原则为客户提供高质星高品质的产品,公司承诺如有任何质量的问题请打电话与我们工作人员联系,免费包退换(非人为因素造成的)会给您一个满意的答复。欢迎来电咨询人不对称二甲基精氨酸(ADMA) ELISA KIT最新报价、实验原理、产品用途及中英文说明书!
标签:人不对称二甲基精氨酸(ADMA)ELISA KIT 人不对称二甲基精氨酸(ADMA) 人ELISA KIT
1、Haijun Liu,Shencun Fang,Wei Wang,etc.Macrophage-derived MCPIP1 mediates silica-induced pulmonary fibrosis via autophagy[J].Part Fibre Toxicol.2016:1-17.
使用产品:Human MCP-1, TNF-α, TGF-β ELISA kit
2、Juan Zhang,Meng Cao,Wenwen Yang,etc.Inhibition of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Could Enhance 1,4-Benzoquinone-Induced Oxidative Damage in K562 Cells[J].Oxid Med Cell Longev.2016:1-11.
使用产品:Human NADP, NADPH ELISA Kit
3、Qian-NanDi,Wei-XinCao,RunXu,etc.Chronic low-dose exposure of nonylphenol alters energy homeostasis in the reproductive system of female rats[J].Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology.2018,1(348):67-75.
使用产品:Rat E2 ELISA Kit
4、Muhammad Noman Khan,Bing Wang,Jing Wei,etc.CXCR1/2 antagonism with CXCL8/Interleukin-8 analogue CXCL8(3-72)K11R/G31P restricts lung cancer growth by inhibiting tumor cell proliferation and suppressing angiogenesis[J].Oncotarget.2015,6(25): 21315-21327.
使用产品:Human CXCL1, CXCL6, CXCL8 ELISA kit
5、Cheng Yu Wang,Xiang Dan Li,Zhi Hong Hao,etc.Insulin-like growth factor-1 improves diabetic cardiomyopathy through antioxidative and anti-inflammatory processes along with modulation of Akt/GSK-3β signaling in rats[J].Korean J Physiol Pharmacol.2016,20(6): 613-619.
使用产品:Rat IL-1β, TNF-a ELISA kit
6、Xiaoyue Shen,Wenkui Sun,Yi Shi,etc.Altered Viral Replication and Cell Responses by Inserting MicroRNA Recognition Element into PB1 in Pandemic Influenza A Virus (H1N1) 2009[J].Mediators Inflamm.2015:1-12.
使用产品:Human IL-6 ELISA kit
7、Chun‐Tao Lei,Hua Su,Chen Ye,etc.The classic signalling and trans-signalling of interleukin‐6 are both injurious in podocyte under high glucose exposure[J].J Cell Mol Med.2018,22(1):251-260.
使用产品:Human sIL‐6R, sgp130 ELISA kit
8、Jian’an Bai,He Na,Xiumei Hua,etc.A retrospective study of NENs and miR-224 promotes apoptosis of BON-1 cells by targeting PCSK9 inhibition[J].Oncotarget.2017,8(4): 6929-6939.
使用产品:Human glucocorticoid ELISA kit
9、Zhan Zhang, Di Wang,Shanlei Qiao,etc.Metabolic and microbial signatures in rat hepatocellular carcinoma treated with caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid[J].Scientific reports.2017(7):1-10.
使用产品:Rat LPS ELISA kit
10、Meng-Chen Lu,Jian-Ai Ji,Yong-Lin Jiang,etc.An inhibitor of the Keap1-Nrf2 protein-protein interaction protects NCM460 colonic cells and alleviates experimental colitis[J].Scientific reports. 2016(6):1-13.
使用产品:Human IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-γELISA kit
11、Xiaotong Sun,Jing Wei,Yawei Tang,etc.Leptin-induced migration and angiogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis is mediated by reactive oxygen species[J].FEBS Open Bio.2017,7(12):1899-1908.
使用产品:Human VEGF, IL‐1β, TNF-α ELISA kit
12、Geng Tian,Linlin Cheng,Xuewei Qi,etc.Transgenic Cotton Plants Expressing Double-stranded RNAs Target HMG-CoA Reductase (HMGR) Gene Inhibits the Growth, Development and Survival of Cotton Bollworms[J].Int J Biol Sci. 2015,11(11):1296-1305.
使用产品:Plant HMGR ELISA kit
13、Siyuan Cui,Lili Men,Yu Li,etc.Selenoprotein S Attenuates Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-Induced Dysfunction in Endothelial Cells[J].Mediators Of Inflamm.2018:1-16.
使用产品:Human ICAM-1, VCAM-1 ELISA kit
14、Peng-Tao Ren,Yuan Zhang,etc.Comparative investigation of the effects of specific antigen-sensitized DC-CIK and DC-CTL cells against B16 melanoma tumor cells[J].Mol Med Rep. 2017,15(4):1533-1538.
使用产品:Human CCL19, CCL22 ELISA kit
15、Ming Ma,Lian-mei Zhao,Xing-xiao Yang,etc.p-Hydroxylcinnamaldehyde induces the differentiation of oesophageal carcinoma cells via the cAMP-RhoA-MAPK signalling pathway[J].Scientific reports.2016(6):1-13.
使用产品:Human cAMP, CEA, SCC ELISA kit
16、Yucai Chen,Tianyi Yuan,Huifang Zhang,etc.Activation of Nrf2 Attenuates Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling via Inhibiting Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition: an Insight from a Plant Polyphenol[J].Int J Biol Sci.2017,13(8):1067-1081.
使用产品:Human MDA ELISA kit
17、Rao Sun,Zuoxia Zhang,Yishan Lei,etc.Hippocampal activation of microglia may underlie the shared neurobiology of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and chronic pain[J].Mol Pain. 2016(12):1-13.
使用产品:Human IL-1β, TNF-α ELISA kit
18、Yuanyuan Zhuang,Jiabao Liu,Pei Ma,etc.Tamarixinin A Alleviates Joint Destruction of Rheumatoid Arthritis by Blockade of MAPK and NF-κB Activation[J].Front Pharmacol.2017(8):1-11.
使用产品:Mouse CII antibody ELISA kit
19、Huawen Shi,Guangchao Yang,Tongsen Zheng,etc.A preliminary study of ALPPS procedure in a rat model[J].Scientific reports. 2015(5):1-12.
使用产品:Rat NF-KB ELISA kit
20、Bo Qiu,Ming Gong,Qi-Ting He,etc.Controlled Release of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist from Hyaluronic Acid-Chitosan Microspheres Attenuates Interleukin-1β-Induced Inflammation and Apoptosis in Chondrocytes[J].Biomed Res Int.2016:1-12.
使用产品:Rat GAG ELISA kit
21、Gairu Li,Yang Xiang,Jin Zhao,etc.Saccharum Alhagi polysaccharide-1 and -2 promote the immunocompetence of RAW264.7 macrophages in vitro[J].Exp Ther Med.2018,15(4): 3556-3562.
使用产品:Mouse IL-2, IL-1β, TNF-α ELISA kit
22、Yuanyuan Zhang,Minhui Sun,Yuwei Han,etc.The saponin DT-13 Attenuates Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-induced Vascular Inflammation Associated with Src/NF-кB/MAPK Pathway Modulation[J].Int J Biol Sci.2015,11(8):970-981.
使用产品:Mouse ICAM-1 (sICAM-1), VCAM-1 (sVCAM-1) ELISA kit
23、Ying Huang,Shaofeng Wang,Chunya Zhang,etc.Experimental study of the anti-atherosclerotic effect of demethylzeylasteral[J].Exp Ther Med.2017,13(6): 2787-2792.
使用产品:Rabbit anti-oxidized LDL (ox-LDL) antibody ELISA kit
24、Lin Li,Ting Xiao,Fang Li,etc.Hydrogen sulfide reduced renal tissue fibrosis by regulating autophagy in diabetic rats[J].Mol Med Rep.2017,16(2): 1715-1722.
使用产品:Rat UP ELISA kit
25、Yong Zhang,Changyin Li,Hu Li,etc.miR-378 Activates the Pyruvate-PEP Futile Cycle and Enhances Lipolysis to Ameliorate Obesity in Mice[J].EBioMedicine.2016(5): 93-104.
使用产品:Mouse Insulin, FFA ELISA kit
26、Haitao Zou,Ruixue Su,Jing Ruan,etc.Toll-like receptor 3 pathway restricts Marek’s disease virus infection[J].Oncotarget.2017,8(41):70847-70853.
使用产品:Chicken IFN-β ELISA kit
27、Na Yang,Run-bin Sun,Xing-long Chen,etc.In vitro assessment of the glucose-lowering effects of berberrubine-9-O-β-D-glucuronide,an active metabolite of berberrubine[J].Acta Pharmacol Sin.2017,38(3): 351-361.
使用产品:Rat α- glucosidase ELISA kit
28、Xiaoxiao Qian,Juan Tan,Ling Liu,etc.MicroRNA-134-5p promotes high glucose-induced podocyte apoptosis by targeting bcl-2[J].Am J Transl Res.2018,10(3): 989-997.
使用产品:Mouse microalbuminuria ELISA Kit
29、Ruiping Fan,Yuwei Han,Han Han,etc.DT-13 ameliorates TNF-α-induced nitric oxide production in the endothelium in vivo and in vitro[J].Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.2018,1(495):1175-1181.
使用产品:Mouse nitric oxide, IL-8, MCP-1, ROS, TNFR ELISA kit
30、Yu Li,Ning Hao,Suping Zou,etc.Immune Regulation of RAW264.7 Cells In Vitro by Flavonoids from Astragalus complanatus via Activating the NF-κB Signalling Pathway[J].Journal of Immunology Research.2018:1-9.
使用产品:Mouse IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, NO ELISA Kit
31、Xichun Wang,Shibin Feng,Nana Ding,etc.Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Berberine Hydrochloride in an LPS-Induced Murine Model of Mastitis[J].Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2018:1-9.
使用产品:Mouse TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β ELISA Kit
32、JieChao,YanLv,JinChen,etc.SiO2-induced release of sVEGFRs from pulmonary macrophages[J].Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology,2018(247):1-8.
使用产品:Human sVEGFR ELISA Kit
33、Meng-Chen Lu, Qiong Jiao,Tian Liu,etc.Discovery of a head-to-tail cyclic peptide as the Keap1-Nrf2 protein-protein interaction inhibitor with high cell potency[J].European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.2018,1(143):1578-1589.
使用产品:Mouse IL-1β, IL-18, TNF-α ELISA Kit
34、Zhengfeng Wu,Tianhong Gao,Ronglign Zhong,etc.Antihyperlipidaemic effect of triterpenic acid-enriched fraction from Cyclocarya paliurus leaves in hyperlipidaemic rats[J].Pharmaceutical Biology,2017,1(55):712-721.
使用产品:Rat apoB48 ELISA Kit
35、Rao Sun,Zhibin Zhao,Jiying Feng,etc.Glucocorticoid-Potentiated Spinal Microglia Activation Contributes to Preoperative Anxiety-Induced Postoperative Hyperalgesia[J].Mol Neurobiol.2017,54(6):4316-4328.
使用产品: Rat CS, IL-1β, TNF-α ELISA Kit
36、Guoxiang You, Peifang Wang, Jun Hou,etc.Insights into the short-term effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on sludge dewatering and related mechanism[J].Water Research.2017,04(011):93-113.
使用产品:Plant LAP ELISA Kit
37、Peifang Wang, Guoxiang You, Jun Hou,etc.Responses of wastewater biofilms to chronic CeO2 nanoparticles exposure: Structural, physicochemical and microbial properties and potential mechanism[J].Water Research.2018:208-217.
使用产品:Plant AHL ELISA Kit
38、Yi Xu, Chao Wang, Jun Hou,etc.Strategies and relative mechanisms to attenuate the bioaccumulation and biotoxicity of ceria nanoparticles in wastewater biofilms[J].Bioresource Technology.2018:102-109.
使用产品:Plant ATP, DHA ELISA Kit
39、Junsheng Liu,Zhennan Gu,Wenwei Lu,etc.Multiple mechanisms applied by Lactobacillus pentosus AT6 to mute the lethal effects of Salmonella in a mouse model[J].Food Funct.2018, 23;9(5):2787-2795.
使用产品:Mouse CRP, LPS ELISA Kit